Easy Home Office DIY Projects to Boost Your WFH Productivity in Quarantine

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the definition of work from home. What used to be an exception has now become normal practice. However, as a lot of people have discovered, this is not everyone’s cup of tea. So, what can you do to make working from more enjoyable and productive? Designating a Workspace in Your Home This is a critical first step, especially for those living with family or flat mates. For those who do not enjoy the luxury of having a separate room for work and have their work desks in the main living space, build yourself the ‘feel’ of a real work environment with a few important elements. Any interior designer will recommend a few essential items to be included in your workspace at home. These are an ergonomic chair, preferably a big computer screen with an ergonomically designed mouse. Throw in a quirky cup or mug to serve as pen holder. Make sure your work desk is comfortable and spacious enough to accommodate your necessities. There are a few qualit...